Opening Keynote

Denise Forte
We are excited to share that our opening keynote speaker will be Denise Forte!
Denise Forte is the CEO at The Education Trust, a national advocacy organization often described as “the most important truth teller” in American public education.
As one of the country’s leading voices on education equity, Denise is on the forefront of engaging policymakers and diverse coalitions of advocates to advance progressive state and federal education legislation on behalf of students of color and students from low-income backgrounds.
Her lifetime of service includes 20 years in senior congressional staff roles on Capitol Hill, and a stint in the executive branch, serving in the Obama administration as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary and Acting Assistant Secretary in the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development in the Department of Education.
Denise has a B.S. in Computer Science from Duke University, and a M.A. in Women’s Studies from the George Washington University. She lives with her family in Washington, D.C.
2024 Closing Speaker

Brian Butler
We are excited to share that our closing speaker will be Brian Butler, author of Every Student Deserves a Gifted Education!
With over 35 years of valuable experience, Brian Butler stands out in the education field as an accomplished educational consultant, speaker, author, and award-winning former principal. His passion revolves around fostering collaborative school cultures that unlock every student’s limitless potential.
Brian has significantly contributed to educational institutions across the United States, Australia, and Canada, offering guidance to thousands of schools. His expertise lies in coaching teacher teams, guiding school leadership, and facilitating collaborations with all school stakeholders.
Brian’s commitment to transformative education is deeply rooted in his career and philosophy. Drawing on the latest research and evidence-based practices, he empowers educators to view themselves as catalysts for student empowerment. This vision is encapsulated in the name of his company, The Answer’s In The Room, reflecting his belief that the key to success often lies within the walls of the school community.
Major Session Speakers
See the schedule for presentation dates and times.
Dr. Jennifer Bay-Williams
University of Louisville
A common statement in Grades 4 – 12 is, “my students don’t know their facts.” Traditional practices of drill, memorization, and timed practice/tests not only don’t work, they create math-anxious students who think they’re not good at mathematics. Bold leaders can change this reality! Join me to explore ways to ensure every child has fact fluency, while also developing positive mathematical identities and agency. Initial instruction and intervention strategies will be shared.
Taking On The Math Fact Fluency Barrier
Sara Boucek
Partner, Kriha Boucek
This session will be focused on how to deal with the myriad of media focus connected to education. The presenters will provide strategies and ideas on how to deal with media inquiries. They will also focus on how to utilize social media in today’s society to move your message forward in school communities. This is a can’t miss session for dealing with moving math education and education forward with community support!
Managing the Media 101: How did we get here?
Dr. Kristopher Childs
K Childs Solutions
Are you seeking to reimagine the mathematics experiences for the students under your purview and provide them with a mathematics education experience that impacts their lives? If yes, then this session is for you. In this session, you will engage in a roadmap for TMSJ, learn the foundations for an equitable and engaging mathematics classroom, and gain practical tips for supporting and growing your practice.
Unapologetically Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice
Dr. Juli Dixon
How can you support teachers in their efforts for students to achieve a deep understanding of multiplication that allows students to develop fluency with their basic facts that goes beyond recall to explain and justify their thinking? Experience the six strategies that make up the Fact Tactics™ Fluency Program designed to shift from drill-and-kill instruction to an approach that helps students make sense of multiplication while developing automaticity, procedural fluency, and algebra readiness.
Multiplication Fact Fluency: A School-Wide Solution
Graham Fletcher
Belhaven Consulting Inc
Math educators confront the vital task of fostering students' cohesive understanding amid fragmented concepts and contexts. This session explores how we can identify and intentionally pull out the connections within the curriculum. Exploring the concept of a "through line" in math education—its essence and significance—we highlight its role in cultivating a unified mathematical learning journey. Identifying and constructing a through line becomes pivotal in promoting a cohesive and engaging math education.
Finding the Through Line - Intentionally Building Meaningful Connections through Task Sequence
Dr. Mike Flynn
Flynn Education Inc.
Change initiatives in mathematics are challenging, especially when the shifts we want educators to make go against their deeply held beliefs about teaching and learning. In this session, you will learn about an effective framework that is designed to disrupt unproductive belief systems about mathematics instruction and empower educators to become the driving force behind your change efforts. You will also explore effective strategies to best support educators who are resistant to change.
Be the Guide, Not the Hero: Supporting Colleagues Struggling with Change in Math Education
Dr. Timothy Kanold
Mathematics At Work
In this inspirational session, mathematics education leaders are challenged to re-think 10 well-established myths about routines that impact student learning. Each myth, one by one, presents a “Which comes first?” research-affirmed scenario. Can your daily leadership life focus on actions that intentionally result in a residue of success with those you lead - adults and students? Come ready to have fun and destroy the status quo by creating a myth-busting cognitive culture!
Myth Busters: Leadership Actions that Disrupt the Status Quo!
Grace Kelemanik
Fostering Math Practices
Redesigning classroom instruction to support all learners requires implementing effective mathematical teaching practices. This takes continuous attention, reflection, and refinement. Learn how coaches and teachers are using a data collection tool to study the impact of teaching moves on students' mathematical thinking and discourse, and reasoning routines as a vehicle to regularly practice, develop, and refine those moves. Then, consider how to apply session ideas to boldly redesign mathematics instruction in your school and district.
Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement in Classroom Instruction by integrating Routines and Data Collection into Coaching Cycles
Dr. Rachel Lambert
University of California Santa Barbara
Dr. Lambert explores how math, math learning, and math teaching are understood differently by different research fields in mathematics. We will collectively analyze how research can be cited and miscited in documents made for teachers, focusing on the research behind recommendations of explicit instruction and inquiry-based instruction. We will explore the complicated research behind these recommendations, which is often oversimplified. The intention is to help math leaders make sense of these complexities.
Evaluating Research Evidence in Mathematics; Beyond the Binary of Explicit vs. Inquiry
Dr. Peter Liljedahl
Simon Fraser University
In this session, I look at some strategies consultants, coaches, and administrators can use to help teachers' shift their professional growth goals. The strategies that will be shared are the result of over 20 years of empirical work into how to help teacher to notice and name effective teaching practices and to occasion the desire to move towards such practices. Participants will leave with specific strategies that they can put into immediate effect.
Occasioning Change: Helping Teachers Notice and Name Effective Teaching Practice
Amy Lucenta
Fostering Math Practices
Redesigning classroom instruction to support all learners requires implementing effective mathematical teaching practices. This takes continuous attention, reflection, and refinement. Learn how coaches and teachers are using a data collection tool to study the impact of teaching moves on students' mathematical thinking and discourse, and reasoning routines as a vehicle to regularly practice, develop, and refine those moves. Then, consider how to apply session ideas to boldly redesign mathematics instruction in your school and district.
Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement in Classroom Instruction by integrating Routines and Data Collection into Coaching Cycles
Dr. Nicora Placa
Hunter College
Come learn about what collaborative coaching is and how it can build community, while also building a team’s content and pedagogical knowledge. We will explore how rehearsing routines is one tool that centers student thinking and allows teams to dig deeper into mathematical strategies and practice eliciting and respond to students’ ideas.
Collaborative Coaching: Rehearsing Routines as a Tool for Learning and Growing Together.
John SanGiovanni
Howard County Public School System
Teaching problem solving is hard. It is about teaching students to make sense, think, and reason. It is not about procedure. But many teachers can fall into a procedural trap due to misperceptions about what problem solving is. In this session, leaders learn about how they can support and grow teachers' skill for better teaching and learning of problem solving.
Leadership for Better Thinking, Reasoning, and Problem Solving
Dr. Donna Simpson Leak
Superintendent, CCSD 168, Vice Chair, Illinois State board of Education
This session will be focused on how to deal with the myriad of media focus connected to education. The presenters will provide strategies and ideas on how to deal with media inquiries. They will also focus on how to utilize social media in today’s society to move your message forward in school communities. This is a can’t miss session for dealing with moving math education and education forward with community support!
Managing the Media 101: How did we get here?
Dr. John Staley
Baltimore County Public Schools
Are you seeking to reimagine the mathematics experiences for the students under your purview and provide them with a mathematics education experience that impacts their lives? If yes, then this session is for you. In this session, you will engage in a roadmap for TMSJ, learn the foundations for an equitable and engaging mathematics classroom, and gain practical tips for supporting and growing your practice.
Unapologetically Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice
Mona Toncheff
NCSM Past President, Author and Consultant
In this inspirational session, mathematics education leaders are challenged to re-think 10 well-established myths about routines that impact student learning. Each myth, one by one, presents a “Which comes first?” research-affirmed scenario. Can your daily leadership life focus on actions that intentionally result in a residue of success with those you lead - adults and students? Come ready to have fun and destroy the status quo by creating a myth-busting cognitive culture!
Myth Busters: Leadership Actions that Disrupt the Status Quo!
Dr. India White
SAVVAS Learning
Teachers are often tasked with a responsibility to bridge the achievement gap for Marginalized students with limited resources and low test scores. As a result, educators can feel as if the task is daunting, and that their students just "can't do the math". Marginalized students are often presented with less performing tasks, affecting their exposure to higher-level metacognition and advanced math. This session will help eliminate the opportunity gaps through equitable math practices during instruction.
Eliminating the Opportunity Gap for Marginalized Students through Equitable Math Practices
Dr. Aris Winger
In this interactive talk and discussion, we will present and discuss some of the narratives that have pervaded mathematics education that continue to hold us back from creating spaces that uplift everyone is the discipline. We will discuss ways to push back and write new narratives. Participants will be provided ways to give their input on hidden narratives so that we as a community can build a list that we can combat together to make our classes and schools more welcoming and places where everyone, in particular the most marginalized, can flourish.
Creating Belonging and Inclusion through Narrative Disruption: Interrogating the Hidden norms and Rules of Mathematics and Mathematics Education
Spotlight Speakers
See the schedule for presentation dates and times.
Dionne Aminata
This session will focus on the responsive coaching model which honors teachers’ expertise while strategically guiding them toward a deep understanding of liberatory math spaces. Participation in this session will offer coaches and instructional leaders a perspective that can help shift coaching and instructional practices and empower teachers to affect positive change for students across the country. Participants will be inspired to reimagine coaching in ways that promote positive mathematics experiences for teachers and students.
Cultivating Collective Agency through Responsive Coaching
Jen Arberg
It takes intentional planning and a productive mindset to plan for math instruction that is grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful (GLEAM™). What do math PLCs look like that are designed to support GLEAM instruction? In this session, we will discuss what GLEAM math instruction looks like, and explore the conditions needed for a GLEAM-aligned math PLC to ensure that all students are receiving equitable and culturally responsive math instruction.
Reimagining PLCs to Support Grade-Level, Engaging, Affirming, and Meaningful (GLEAM™) Math Instruction
Beth Balch
University of Alabama Huntiville
Embark on a transformative journey to explore cutting-edge strategies that seamlessly integrate human intelligence with artificial intelligence to revolutionize math education. Discover how technology-infused experiences in classrooms create an immersive and dynamic learning environment which fosters deeper mathematical understanding and disrupts the status quo. Join us for insights, practical applications, and a glimpse into the future of education where minds and machines collaborate for unparalleled mathematical brilliance. Don't miss the opportunity to shape the future.
Mind Meets Machine: Elevating Mathematics Mastery with Tech-Infused Classrooms
Rolanda Baldwin
It takes intentional planning and a productive mindset to plan for math instruction that is grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful (GLEAM™). What do math PLCs look like that are designed to support GLEAM instruction? In this session, we will discuss what GLEAM math instruction looks like, and explore the conditions needed for a GLEAM-aligned math PLC to ensure that all students are receiving equitable and culturally responsive math instruction.
Reimagining PLCs to Support Grade-Level, Engaging, Affirming, and Meaningful (GLEAM™) Math Instruction
DeWayne Berg
Hawaii School for the Deaf and the Blind K-12
Explore the transformative Tri-level Mathematics Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Network (MathTLPLN) across 8 Middle and High schools aiming to transcend educational barriers. Learn about the series of Professional Development on Thinking Classroom practices through Learning Walks, fostering a cadence of responsibility. Discover a collaborative system of support, strengthening instructional practices, and sustaining Teacher Leader confidence with backing from state and complex area administration. Leave equipped with a valuable toolkit for your educational leadership endeavors.
Unlocking Excellence: Teacher Leader Networks Breaking Barriers in Educational Leadership
Kyndall Brown
California Mathematics Project Statewide Office, University of California, Los Angeles
This session shares ideas to build math communities where cultural identities are centered. Through courageous conversations we champion Black and Asian solidarity, crucial in dismantling barriers in mathematics learning. We will also explore how we center stories and hi/stories of resistance and solidarity as sites for mathematical investigation and share ways to create spaces that center on BIPOC students’ and teachers’ identities, stories, and joy through mathematics.
The Sum of Us: Power Reimagined in Mathematics
Jessica Calabrese
Renton School District
Schools don’t work well enough for teachers and students. There’s little time or structures for adult collaboration and learning that make a difference for teachers or students. Schools can be reorganized to address historically inequitable practices and outcomes and nurture teacher and student learning. In this session, we discuss an approach to mathematics coaching and principal leadership that allows teachers to collaborate in trusting and intentional ways to create classroom learning communities where children thrive.
Learning Together: Organizing Schools for Teacher and Student Learning
Brian Dean
It takes intentional planning and a productive mindset to plan for math instruction that is grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful (GLEAM™). What do math PLCs look like that are designed to support GLEAM instruction? In this session, we will discuss what GLEAM math instruction looks like, and explore the conditions needed for a GLEAM-aligned math PLC to ensure that all students are receiving equitable and culturally responsive math instruction.
Reimagining PLCs to Support Grade-Level, Engaging, Affirming, and Meaningful (GLEAM™) Math Instruction
Dr. Alison Fox Resnick
University of Colorado Boulder
Schools don’t work well enough for teachers and students. There’s little time or structures for adult collaboration and learning that make a difference for teachers or students. Schools can be reorganized to address historically inequitable practices and outcomes and nurture teacher and student learning. In this session, we discuss an approach to mathematics coaching and principal leadership that allows teachers to collaborate in trusting and intentional ways to create classroom learning communities where children thrive.
Learning Together: Organizing Schools for Teacher and Student Learning
Dr. Brette Garner
University of Denver
Some elementary teachers have negative dispositions about their ability to do and teach math — and teachers with negative dispositions can pass those feelings on to students. To help teachers break the cycle, we have identified four design principles for professional development, coaching, and teacher education. We will share how we have implemented these principles; participants will walk away with specific strategies to support teachers’ positive mathematical dispositions in their own contexts.
Repairing and Rehumanizing: Supporting Positive Mathematical Dispositions for Elementary Teachers
Dr. Lynsey Gibbons
University of Delaware
Schools don’t work well enough for teachers and students. There’s little time or structures for adult collaboration and learning that make a difference for teachers or students. Schools can be reorganized to address historically inequitable practices and outcomes and nurture teacher and student learning. In this session, we discuss an approach to mathematics coaching and principal leadership that allows teachers to collaborate in trusting and intentional ways to create classroom learning communities where children thrive.
Learning Together: Organizing Schools for Teacher and Student Learning
Pam Harris
Math is Figureoutable
If we want teachers to use an asset, not deficit, perspective with their students, we must use an asset perspective with the teachers we lead. To help teachers grow to ensure equitable teaching, we use a teaching Success Map to ensure teachers have a deep understanding of mathematics standards, processes, and high leverage teacher moves. We’ll share the map, how we use it, and lessons learned.
Supporting Teachers Using an Asset Perspective
Joleigh Honey
Are you a system shifter? Have you ever left a meeting feeling overwhelmed by the barriers that sucked up all of the air in the room? Do you ever think, "There has to be a better (more effective, more efficient, more ???) way!" but then have to run to the next thing? This session provides guidance, support, and reflection on using asset-based perspectives to transform your system (structural, cultural, and instructional routines).
System Shifters: Breaking Barriers and Transforming Our System Through Asset-based Perspectives
Dr. Christine Hood
University of Denver
Some elementary teachers have negative dispositions about their ability to do and teach math — and teachers with negative dispositions can pass those feelings on to students. To help teachers break the cycle, we have identified four design principles for professional development, coaching, and teacher education. We will share how we have implemented these principles; participants will walk away with specific strategies to support teachers’ positive mathematical dispositions in their own contexts.
Repairing and Rehumanizing: Supporting Positive Mathematical Dispositions for Elementary Teachers
Michael Ida
Kalani High School
Explore the transformative Tri-level Mathematics Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Network (MathTLPLN) across 8 Middle and High schools aiming to transcend educational barriers. Learn about the series of Professional Development on Thinking Classroom practices through Learning Walks, fostering a cadence of responsibility. Discover a collaborative system of support, strengthening instructional practices, and sustaining Teacher Leader confidence with backing from state and complex area administration. Leave equipped with a valuable toolkit for your educational leadership endeavors.
Unlocking Excellence: Teacher Leader Networks Breaking Barriers in Educational Leadership
Patricia Ishihara
Hawaii Department of Education Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design
Explore the transformative Tri-level Mathematics Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Network (MathTLPLN) across 8 Middle and High schools aiming to transcend educational barriers. Learn about the series of Professional Development on Thinking Classroom practices through Learning Walks, fostering a cadence of responsibility. Discover a collaborative system of support, strengthening instructional practices, and sustaining Teacher Leader confidence with backing from state and complex area administration. Leave equipped with a valuable toolkit for your educational leadership endeavors.
Unlocking Excellence: Teacher Leader Networks Breaking Barriers in Educational Leadership
TJ Jemison
TJ Math Consulting
How do you align your school- or district-based leadership’s ideas about coaching with your coaching objectives? Learn how to integrate coaching initiatives and amplify your leadership impact. Join us for dynamic discussions and practical insights that will empower you to influence positive change within your school and/or district. Elevate your mathematical leadership journey with us!
Don’t Be a Coach Blocker! Strategic Coaching Advocacy - Approaches for Aligning Administration with Your Objectives
Dr. Cindy Jong
University of Kentucky
This workshop guides ways to integrate Asian American and Pacific Islander identities, stories, and histories into the mathematics classroom. Participants will engage in mathematics lessons and explore additional curricular resources as starting points to broaden the cultural identities and the type of stories shared. Join us as we expand a repository of curricular and pedagogical resources as a community.
Elevating Asian American Studies in Mathematics Education for Community Building and Cross-Racial Solidarity
Shaun Kaanoi
Hawaii Department of Education
Explore the transformative Tri-level Mathematics Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Network (MathTLPLN) across 8 Middle and High schools aiming to transcend educational barriers. Learn about the series of Professional Development on Thinking Classroom practices through Learning Walks, fostering a cadence of responsibility. Discover a collaborative system of support, strengthening instructional practices, and sustaining Teacher Leader confidence with backing from state and complex area administration. Leave equipped with a valuable toolkit for your educational leadership endeavors.
Unlocking Excellence: Teacher Leader Networks Breaking Barriers in Educational Leadership
Dr. Elham Kazemi
University of Washington
Schools don’t work well enough for teachers and students. There’s little time or structures for adult collaboration and learning that make a difference for teachers or students. Schools can be reorganized to address historically inequitable practices and outcomes and nurture teacher and student learning. In this session, we discuss an approach to mathematics coaching and principal leadership that allows teachers to collaborate in trusting and intentional ways to create classroom learning communities where children thrive.
Learning Together: Organizing Schools for Teacher and Student Learning
Naehee Kwun
UCI CalTeach
This workshop guides ways to integrate Asian American and Pacific Islander identities, stories, and histories into the mathematics classroom. Participants will engage in mathematics lessons and explore additional curricular resources as starting points to broaden the cultural identities and the type of stories shared. Join us as we expand a repository of curricular and pedagogical resources as a community. / This session shares ideas to build math communities where cultural identities are centered. Through courageous conversations we champion Black and Asian solidarity, crucial in dismantling barriers in mathematics learning. We will also explore how we center stories and hi/stories of resistance and solidarity as sites for mathematical investigation and share ways to create spaces that center on BIPOC students’ and teachers’ identities, stories, and joy through mathematics.
Elevating Asian American Studies in Mathematics Education for Community Building and Cross-Racial Solidarity AND The Sum of Us: Power Reimagined in Mathematics
Dr. Jennifer Lempp
Change may not always be easy. However, with coaching and feedback, our teachers can be supported in using a math workshop approach in their classrooms. This session will focus on the research behind a math workshop approach. Additionally, specific coaching prompts and questions will be shared that will help coaches and administrators with providing feedback and support them with strategic ways to build capacity in teachers.
Coaching Teachers in Using and Refining Math Workshop in Their Classrooms
Dr. Becca Lewis
University of Washington
Schools don’t work well enough for teachers and students. There’s little time or structures for adult collaboration and learning that make a difference for teachers or students. Schools can be reorganized to address historically inequitable practices and outcomes and nurture teacher and student learning. In this session, we discuss an approach to mathematics coaching and principal leadership that allows teachers to collaborate in trusting and intentional ways to create classroom learning communities where children thrive.
Learning Together: Organizing Schools for Teacher and Student Learning
Teresa Lind
Schools don’t work well enough for teachers and students. There’s little time or structures for adult collaboration and learning that make a difference for teachers or students. Schools can be reorganized to address historically inequitable practices and outcomes and nurture teacher and student learning. In this session, we discuss an approach to mathematics coaching and principal leadership that allows teachers to collaborate in trusting and intentional ways to create classroom learning communities where children thrive.
Learning Together: Organizing Schools for Teacher and Student Learning
Michelle Lo
Los Angeles Unified School District / UCLA Community School
This workshop guides ways to integrate Asian American and Pacific Islander identities, stories, and histories into the mathematics classroom. Participants will engage in mathematics lessons and explore additional curricular resources as starting points to broaden the cultural identities and the type of stories shared. Join us as we expand a repository of curricular and pedagogical resources as a community.
Elevating Asian American Studies in Mathematics Education for Community Building and Cross-Racial Solidarity
Dr. Lou Matthews
This session shares ideas to build math communities where cultural identities are centered. Through courageous conversations we champion Black and Asian solidarity, crucial in dismantling barriers in mathematics learning. We will also explore how we center stories and hi/stories of resistance and solidarity as sites for mathematical investigation and share ways to create spaces that center on BIPOC students’ and teachers’ identities, stories, and joy through mathematics.
The Sum of Us: Power Reimagined in Mathematics
Deborah Peart
My Mathematical Mind
This session will focus on the responsive coaching model which honors teachers’ expertise while strategically guiding them toward a deep understanding of liberatory math spaces. Participation in this session will offer coaches and instructional leaders a perspective that can help shift coaching and instructional practices and empower teachers to affect positive change for students across the country. Participants will be inspired to reimagine coaching in ways that promote positive mathematics experiences for teachers and students.
Cultivating Collective Agency through Responsive Coaching
Dawn Pilotti
Currey Ingram Academy / University of South Carolina
All students have the right to access high levels of mathematics content and to develop mathematical problem solving skills. This session focuses on the creation of interdisciplinary Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to bring together collaborative teams of mathematics educators, special educators and administrators to close the opportunity gap for students with mathematics difficulty. A focus will be placed on leveraging the expertise of faculty and staff to improve teacher practices and student outcomes in mathematics.
Combining Strengths: PLCs as Interdisciplinary Systems of Collaboration to Empower All Students in Mathematics
Dr. Ma Bernadette Salgarino
Santa Clara County Office of Education
Explore the transformative Tri-level Mathematics Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Network (MathTLPLN) across 8 Middle and High schools aiming to transcend educational barriers. Learn about the series of Professional Development on Thinking Classroom practices through Learning Walks, fostering a cadence of responsibility. Discover a collaborative system of support, strengthening instructional practices, and sustaining Teacher Leader confidence with backing from state and complex area administration. Leave equipped with a valuable toolkit for your educational leadership endeavors.
Unlocking Excellence: Teacher Leader Networks Breaking Barriers in Educational Leadership
Luana Seitz
Farrington, Kalani, Kaiser Complex Area
Explore the transformative Tri-level Mathematics Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Network (MathTLPLN) across 8 Middle and High schools aiming to transcend educational barriers. Learn about the series of Professional Development on Thinking Classroom practices through Learning Walks, fostering a cadence of responsibility. Discover a collaborative system of support, strengthening instructional practices, and sustaining Teacher Leader confidence with backing from state and complex area administration. Leave equipped with a valuable toolkit for your educational leadership endeavors.
Unlocking Excellence: Teacher Leader Networks Breaking Barriers in Educational Leadership
LeShell Smith
University of Alabama Huntiville
Embark on a transformative journey to explore cutting-edge strategies that seamlessly integrate human intelligence with artificial intelligence to revolutionize math education. Discover how technology-infused experiences in classrooms create an immersive and dynamic learning environment which fosters deeper mathematical understanding and disrupts the status quo. Join us for insights, practical applications, and a glimpse into the future of education where minds and machines collaborate for unparalleled mathematical brilliance. Don't miss the opportunity to shape the future.
Mind Meets Machine: Elevating Mathematics Mastery with Tech-Infused Classrooms
Dr. Mike Steele
Ball State University
Are you a system shifter? Have you ever left a meeting feeling overwhelmed by the barriers that sucked up all of the air in the room? Do you ever think, "There has to be a better (more effective, more efficient, more ???) way!" but then have to run to the next thing? This session provides guidance, support, and reflection on using asset-based perspectives to transform your system (structural, cultural, and instructional routines).
System Shifters: Breaking Barriers and Transforming Our System Through Asset-based Perspectives
Dr. Jennifer Suh
George Mason University
This workshop guides ways to integrate Asian American and Pacific Islander identities, stories, and histories into the mathematics classroom. Participants will engage in mathematics lessons and explore additional curricular resources as starting points to broaden the cultural identities and the type of stories shared. Join us as we expand a repository of curricular and pedagogical resources as a community.
Elevating Asian American Studies in Mathematics Education for Community Building and Cross-Racial Solidarity
Erin Sylves
Fairfax County Public Schools
This session focuses on how one district supports teachers to support students at the secondary level by creating multiple entry points for reaching grade-level standards. Join us to learn more about our journey and discuss the challenges regarding our collective need to change systemic barriers to ensure that all students receive high-quality math instruction and the appropriate level of support.
Paving the Path to Equitable Math Intervention
Laura Teoli
This session focuses on how one district supports teachers to support students at the secondary level by creating multiple entry points for reaching grade-level standards. Join us to learn more about our journey and discuss the challenges regarding our collective need to change systemic barriers to ensure that all students receive high-quality math instruction and the appropriate level of support.
Paving the Path to Equitable Math Intervention
Laura Tomas
New Horizons Elementary School
How do you align your school- or district-based leadership’s ideas about coaching with your coaching objectives? Learn how to integrate coaching initiatives and amplify your leadership impact. Join us for dynamic discussions and practical insights that will empower you to influence positive change within your school and/or district. Elevate your mathematical leadership journey with us!
Don’t Be a Coach Blocker! Strategic Coaching Advocacy - Approaches for Aligning Administration with Your Objectives
Loretta Yee
Farrington, Kaiser, Kalani Complex Area
Explore the transformative Tri-level Mathematics Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Network (MathTLPLN) across 8 Middle and High schools aiming to transcend educational barriers. Learn about the series of Professional Development on Thinking Classroom practices through Learning Walks, fostering a cadence of responsibility. Discover a collaborative system of support, strengthening instructional practices, and sustaining Teacher Leader confidence with backing from state and complex area administration. Leave equipped with a valuable toolkit for your educational leadership endeavors.
Unlocking Excellence: Teacher Leader Networks Breaking Barriers in Educational Leadership
Dr. Cathery Yeh
University of Texas at Austin
This workshop guides ways to integrate Asian American and Pacific Islander identities, stories, and histories into the mathematics classroom. Participants will engage in mathematics lessons and explore additional curricular resources as starting points to broaden the cultural identities and the type of stories shared. Join us as we expand a repository of curricular and pedagogical resources as a community.
Elevating Asian American Studies in Mathematics Education for Community Building and Cross-Racial Solidarity
Leadership Exchange
The Leadership Exchange is an opportunity to continue the discussion from the major/spotlight sessions and discuss action steps for your leadership role. More information regarding the leadership exchange will be coming soon.