NCSM Affiliates

Florida Association of Mathematics Supervisors (FAMS)

Organization Info

Southern US 1


The Florida Association of Mathematics Supervisors (FAMS) exists to:

  1. Promote effectiveness in the supervision, coordination, and teaching of mathematics through such activities as:
    1. Assuming leadership for coordinating and implementing the mathematics programs throughout the state of Florida.
    2. Supporting and supplementing the work of the State Department of Education, the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics (FCTM), the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and NCSM.
    3. Publishing and disseminating pertinent materials.
  2. Promote and effect research and experimentation for the improvement of mathematics curricula.
  3. Offer its members an opportunity to act as a professional group in matters pertaining to mathematics education in Florida.


Accepting Charter at NCSM Annual Conference 2016, Oakland