News from the Central 1 Region
Jason Gauthier, Central 1 Regional Director
Spring 2018
As I’m writing this, I just arrived back in Michigan from attending the Kentucky Center for Mathematics conference in Lexington. I must say that it was a wonderful conference, highlighting many of the great things going on in mathematics education in Kentucky. The Kentucky Center for Mathematics struck me as a unique organization with a fantastic capacity to impact mathematics education on a state-wide scale. Michigan had a similar organization in its Math and Science Center Network. Both of these organizations are tasked with empowering and supporting mathematics educators in their respective states. Some of the best professional learning I’ve ever attended has been through organizations like these. So I can’t help but wonder . . . what organizations in your state empower and support you in your work? Obviously, I hope that NCSM is high on that list, but are there state-level organizations of this type in other states? Would you as mathematics education leaders want them?
Personally, I want them. Badly. And I want them for everyone. Partnerships between these organizations and other state organizations such as state NCTM affiliates can be powerful and have great reach. So I leave you with the following question: How do you encourage partnerships between the mathematics education organizations you are a part of?
Central 1 Professional Learning Updates
- 2018 MI-AMTE Conversations among Colleagues Conference – March 17, 2018 at Eastern Michigan University
- 2018 Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference – July 24-26, 2018 in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan, on the campus of GVSU
- 2018 Western Illinois University Mathematics Teachers’ Conference – April 13, 2018