News from the Eastern 1 Region
Shawn Towle, Eastern 1 Regional Director
Winter 2018/2019

Greetings to all NCSM members from Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont!

It was a busy fall in Eastern Region 1 with many opportunities for professional learning and networking for NCSM members. It was a thrill to visit with current NCSM members and with newly joined NCSM members at events throughout New England and New York. We started with a very successful NCSM fall seminar on coaching the day before the NCTM regional in Hartford, CT in October. NYSAMS and AMTNYS then drew me to upstate New York next for outstanding professional learning events and leadership workshops at the beginning of November. With a stop at the Association of Teachers of Mathematics in NYC conference in mid-November, it was back to New England in December for the ATMNE 2018 conference in early December in Rhode Island.

Every event I attended was packed with mathematics teachers and leaders committed to the NCSM mission of "engaging in leadership that supports, sustains, and inspires high quality mathematics teaching and learning every day for each and every learner."

Looking for some professional conversation in these long, cold winter months?
Join a Book Group!

The Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Maine (ATOMIM) is reading and discussing Visible Learning for Mathematics. This free book study is currently discussing Chapter 4, but there is always time to join the conversation.

The Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut (ATOMIC) is currently reading and discussing Routines for Reasoning. This study is on a "catch up week" and is on chapter 2.

Register for the Annual Conference in San Diego

Join us in San Diego April 1-3, 2019 for Making Waves with Effective Mathematics Leadership!

Dr. Luis Cruz, the 2019 keynote speaker, will provide the keynote address, "Recognizing and Overcoming the Barriers to Ensuring ALL Students Learn Mathematics".

Extend your conference experience. Register for one of two pre-conference workshops on Sunday, March 31, 2019, from 1:00-5:00 pm. The offerings are NCSM Essential Actions for Mathematics Coaching and Practical Leadership: How to Leverage Learning Science to Achieve Equity. If you have already registered, know that you can still add these workshops, if space is available.

Do plan to attend the Eastern Region 1 Caucus on Tuesday, April 2, 2019, from 3:30 to 4:15 pm. Network with other members in the Eastern Region 1.

Do make plans not only to join us, but to help make the conference a success. Volunteer at the 2019 NCSM Conference in San Diego! Receive a "Making Waves through Effective Mathematics Leadership" T-shirt for your service.

Stay in Touch – Your Eastern Region 1 Team Leaders

We are so appreciative of having these dedicated team leaders working in your state! Feel free to contact them (or me!) if you need information or have questions.

Connecticut: Maria Diamantis

Maine: Jenny Jorgensen

Massachusetts: Hilary Kreisberg

Massachusetts: Rebecca Poulo

New Hampshire: Judy Curran Buck

New Hampshire: Annie Wallace

New York: Beryl Szwed

New York: John Wolfe

New York: Suzanne Libfeld

Rhode Island: Catherine Boutin

Vermont: Julie Conrad

Vermont: Lara White


As you plan ahead for spring, here are some great opportunities to collaborate and learn in our region:

2019 Event Location
March 15 Limaçon: Long Island Mathematics Conference SUNY Old Westbury
Long Island, NY
April 1-3 NCSM 51st Annual Conference San Diego, CA
April 5-6 ATOMIM Spring Conference: Connecting Teaching and Learning Augusta, ME
April 11 ATMIM Spring Conference 2019 Worcester, MA
June 30-July 3 The Third New3 Math Conference Albany, NY
July 22-24 NCSM Summer Leadership Academy Madison, WI

For more information about each conference, check out the NCSM calendar of events. If you have an event to add to our regional calendar, let me know at


Thank you to our Eastern Region 1 Affiliates of NCSM. We appreciate your affiliation with us!

  • Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Maine (ATOMIM)
  • Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England (ATMNE)
  • Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York State (AMTNYS)
  • Boston Area Mathematics Specialists (BAMS)
  • Nassau County Association of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCAMS)
  • New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics (NHTM)
  • New York State Association of Mathematics Supervisors (NYSAMS)
  • Rhode Island Mathematics Teachers Association (RIMTA)
  • Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics (VCTM)

If you would like to join this impressive list of affiliates, contact our Affiliate Group Chair, Nanci Smith. She’d love to work with you. Let’s keep this list growing!

Wishing you all the best!