Board of Directors
Executive Committee
President Elect | John Staley |
First Vice President | Connie Schrock |
Second Vice President | Beverly Kimes |
Regional Directors
Central 1 | Gwen Zimmermann |
Central 2 | Comfort Akwaji-Anderson |
Eastern 1 | Suzanne Libfeld |
Eastern 2 | Bill Barnes |
Southern 1 | Wanda Audrict |
Southern 2 | Linda Griffith |
Western 1 | Mona Toncheff |
Western 2 | Nancy Drickey |
Canada | Carol Matsumoto |
Annual Conference
April 13-15, 2015 Boston, MA |
Total Membership: 2,460 |
Attendance: 2,008 |
Ross Taylor / Glenn Gilbert Award Recipient: Steve Leinwand
Keynote Speaker: Jo Boaler, “The Mathematics Learning Revolution-And What it Means for Our Work as Teacher Leaders”
Major Session Speakers: Kyndall Brown, Linda Curtis-Bey, Karen Fuson, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Margaret Honey, Karen Karp, Elham Kazemi, Magdalene Lampert, Matt Larson, Valerie L. Mills, Edward Silver, Lee Stiff, Greg Tang, Dylan Wiliam
Theme and Year of Leadership
Theme: Leading Mathematics into the Future: Inspiring Monumental Change
The Year of Leadership:
- Presented at NCTM Annual Meeting in San Antonio (April 7, 2017)
- Held the NCSM Fall Leadership Academy, Mathematics Leadership in a Time of Change: Building Leaders at all Levels (Bangor, ME, July 24-26, 2017)
- Held the NCSM Fall Leadership Seminars, Mathematics Leadership in a Time of Change: Building Leaders at all Levels (Chicago, IL, November 29, 2017)
- Established the Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Grant (PreK-12)
- Five new NCSM affiliates including: North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Colorado Mathematics Leaders, New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics, Nevada Mathematics Education Leadership Council, and Mississippi Mathematics Specialists
- Network
- Attended TASSM and presented about NCSM with RD Paul Gray (Austin, TX, October 17, 2018)
- Presented at NCTM’s Regional Conference Florida (Orlando, FL, October 18-20, 2017)
- Presented at CCSSO/SCASS with NCTM -Dave Barnes (Dallas, TX, October 23-25, 2017)
- Presented at School Science and Mathematics Association, SSMA (Lexington, KY, November 2-4, 2017)
- Presented at American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges, AMATYC ( San Diego, CA, November 8-11, 2017)
- Attended the Equity and Social Justice Fall Leadership Conference (Chicago, IL, November 29, 2017)
- Presentation at NCTM Regional Conference and work at NCSM booth (Chicago, IL, November 30 -Dec.1, 2017)
- Represented NCSM at Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences, CBMS (Washington DC, December 8, 2017)
- Presented at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, AMTE (Houston, TX, February 8-10, 2018)
- Attended CCSSO/SCASS (Miami, FL February 20-22, 2018)
- Presented at the Texas Instruments T3TM International Conference (San Antonio, TX, March 1- 4, 2018)
- Participated in the Social Justice and Equity Webinar with John Staley (March 14, 2018)
- Presented at American Educational Research Association Annual meeting, AERA, with Shawn Towle (New York City, NY, April 13-15, 2018)
- Publication of the 50th Anniversary Program Booklet and facilitated the celebration at the 2018 Annual NCSM Conference
- Published the NCSM and NCTM joint leadership position paper, “Building STEM Education on a Sound Mathematical Foundation” (Spring 2018)
- Published the NCSM leadership position paper, “Computer Science and K-12 Mathematics” (Spring 2018)
- Led the revision of the NCSM Mission and Vision
- Presented at the 2018 NCSM Annual Conference: NCSM: Framing the future of mathematics education on a 50-year foundation of leadership.
Conference Focus
- Leading instruction to leverage the Mathematics Practices for increased achievement – The focus will be on how leaders can help increase student achievement by facilitating teachers’ implementation of the mathematical practices in their classrooms.
- Examining the opportunities and challenges of using technology to support teaching and learning mathematics – The focus will be on examples and suggestions of technology uses that successfully support student learning and/or challenges that accompany technology use and how they might be overcome: more than simply how to use the technological tool.
- Advancing formative assessment as an integral tool for understanding student thinking and guiding instruction – This strand will focus on how to use assessment as an integral tool for improved instruction.
- Exploring strategies and tools for mathematics leaders and coaches to support mathematics learning – This strand will focus on successful approaches to help new and veteran leaders increase student learning and understanding.
- Shifting practices to effectively implement the Common Core State Standards: Equity for all learners with focus, rigor, and depth – This strand will include equity topics with a specific interest in the shifts suggested by the Common Core State Standards. Even if your state is not participating in CCSS, there are components of the shifts that are important for improving student learning.
Summer Leadership Academy
June 30 – July 2, 2014 North Little Rock, AR |
Theme: Mathematics Leadership at Work: Deepening Formative Assessment to Prepare for the Next Generation Summative Assessments |
Academy Directors: Mary Bouck, Linda Griffith, Valerie Mills
Presenters: Wanda Audrict, Julie Faulkner, Valerie Mills, Mary Beth Schmitt, Doug Svode
Fall Seminars
November 12, 2014 Richmond, VA
November 19, 2014 Houston, TX |
Theme: It’s TIME: Using Imperatives to Support and Motivate Leaders in Mathematics Education |
Academy Directors: Denise Brady, Jason Gauthier
Presenters: Shelbi Cole, Cathy Fosnot, Steven Leinwand, Valerie Mills