Meet the previous Iris Carl grantees. Read how their annual conference experiences:
- Impacted their professional growth
- Affirmed and challenged their perceptions about the complexities and nature of leadership
- Validated their work and identified new lines of inquiry
- Inspired their future work
- Expanded their professional network
- Provided tools to better serve their colleagues, teachers, and students
The Iris Carl Travel Grant provides funding to mathematics educators and future leaders to attend an NCSM Annual Conference, sustaining Iris Carl’s passion for supporting leaders and NCSM’s vision of a cadre of well trained, broadly informed, and perceptive leaders of mathematics education at all levels. The grant pays tribute to Iris Carl who made tremendous contributions to mathematics education. She was an NCSM Past President (1987-1989), Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Awardee (1992), and International Leader.
Iris Carl Travel Grant Recipients
Edwina Perrin
Holly Tate
Solomon Willis