Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Suzanne Mitchell
Past President | Diane J. Briars |
First Vice President | Denise Walston |
Second Vice President | Diana G. Kendrick |
Regional Directors
Central 1 | Valerie Mills |
Central 2 | Laura Godfrey |
Eastern 1 | Mari Muri |
Eastern 2 | Jim Bohan |
Southern 1 | Susan Birnie |
Southern 2 | Ted Hull |
Western 1 | Richard Seitz |
Western 2 | Hope Bjerke |
Canada | Donna Karsten |
Annual Conference
April 23-25, 2012 Philadelphia, PA |
Total Membership: 1,979 |
Attendance: 1,402 |
Ross Taylor / Glenn Gilbert Award Recipient: Carol Edwards
Keynote Speaker: Freeman A. Hrabowski, III “Mathematics Education for the 21st Century: Creating a Culture of Success for All”
Major Session Speakers: Hugh Burkhardt, Timothy Kanold, David Foster, Suzanne Mitchell, Robert Berry, William McCallum, Mary Kay Stein, Deborah Schifter, Virginia Bastable, Susan Jo Russell, Deborah Ball, Francis (Skip) Fennell, Marilyn Burns, Diane Briars, Doug Sovde, Carrie Heath Phillips, Joseph Willhoft, William Haver, Vickie Inge, and Vandi Hodges
Theme and Year of Leadership
Theme: Life Liberty and Mathematics for All: NCSM Leads the Way
The Year of Leadership:
- Published the leadership position paper, “Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics by Expanding Learning Opportunities for the Young”.
- Published the leadership position paper, “Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics by Expanding Opportunities for Our Most Promising Students of Mathematics”.
- Published the “Facilitator’s Guide for NCSM Position Papers”.
- Launched “Illustrating the Standards for Mathematical Practice” on the NCSM website.
- Launched “Coaching Corner: Resources for Mathematics Specialists” on the NCSM website.
- Launched the “Members Only” section on the NCSM website.
- Established “Hot Topics Conversation Café” at the annual conference.
- Established the process for affiliate membership.
- Offered “The Marshall Memo” as an NCSM membership benefit.
- Joined the MC3 (Mathematics Common Core Coalition).
- Began participation in the Presidents’ Exchange that encourages partnerships among various mathematics organizations.
- Presented the 3rd NCSM Webinar ” Implementing the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics: The CCSS Curriculum Mathematics Analysis Tools”.
- Presented the 4th NCSM Webinar “New Resources for Implementing the Standards for Mathematical Practices”.
- Held the 15th NCSM Leadership Academy “Mathematics Leadership at Work: Moving the Common Core State Standards from Vision to Action” (June 21-23, 2011 at the GE Energy Headquarters, Atlanta, GA).
Conference Focus
- Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap: Implementing the Common Core State Standards
- ALL Means ALL: Promoting Equity in Mathematics Education
- Mathematics Leaders Translate Vision to Practice: Developing and Supporting Coaches, Specialists, and Teacher Leaders
- Making Mathematics Learning Visible: Implementing Formative and Summative Assessments to Support Student Learning
- Leadership to Enhance Mathematics Teaching and Learning for All: Helping Administrators and other Leaders to Support High Quality Mathematics Instruction
Summer Leadership Academy
June 21-23, 2011 Atlanta, GA |
Theme: Mathematics Leadership at Work: Moving the Common Core State Standards from Vision to Action |
Academy Director: Tim Kanold
Presenters: Cathy Carroll, Francis (Skip) Fennell, Tim Kanold, Beth Kobett, Suzanne Mitchell, Kit Norris, Jonathan Wray