Board of Directors
Executive Committee
First Vice President | Sally Sloan |
Second Vice President | Thomas Armstrong |
Annual Conference
April 14-16, 1980 Seattle, WA |
Total Membership: TBA |
Attendance: 360 |
Keynote Speaker: Shirley Hill- “The NCTM Math for the Eighties: A Sneak Preview”
Theme and Year of Leadership
Theme: Problem Solving and Technology
The Year of Leadership:
- New constitution implemented
- Regional Directors elected
- Prior efforts to publish a supervisors handbook modified to publish a monograph, “So You are a Mathematics Supervisor”, jointly with NCTM
- Supervisors handbook distributed to NCSM members.
- NCSM received award from the Association Teachers of Mathematics of Philadelphia and Vicinity for the NCSM Position Paper on Basic Skills
Conference Focus
- Technological Developments
- Impact of the NCSM Basic Skills Statement
- Problem Solving