Board of Directors

Executive Committee

Suzanne Mitchell
President ElectValerie Mills
First Vice PresidentDiana G. Kendrick
Second Vice PresidentKathleen Rieke

Regional Directors

Central 1Steve Viktora
Central 2Laura Godfrey
Eastern 1Mari Muri
Eastern 2Eric Milou
Southern 1Wanda Audrict
Southern 2Ted Hull
Western 1Mona Toncheff
Western 2Hope Bjerke
CanadaCarol Matsumoto

Annual Conference

April 15-17, 2013
Denver, Colorado
Total Membership: 2,377 Attendance: 1,563

Ross Taylor / Glenn Gilbert Award Recipient: Kay Gilliland

Keynote Speaker: Vicki Phillips, “Powering Up!”

Major Session Speakers: Lucy West, Nanette Seago, Miriam Leiva, William Schmidt, Suzanne Mitchell, Cathy Seeley, Kati Haycock, Jo Boaler, Linda Gojak, Jere Confrey

Theme and Year of Leadership

Theme: Reaching the Peak of Mathematics Leadership: Guiding Teaching to Support Student Learning

The Year of Leadership:

  • Published Great Tasks for Mathematics K-5.
  • Published Great Tasks for Mathematics 6-12.
  • Published the leadership position paper, “Improving Student Achievement by Infusing Highly Effective Instructional Strategies in RtI Tier I Instruction”.
  • Co-published with NCTM and NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children) Common Core Standards for Mathematics with Gifted and Advanced Learners.
  • Established the “Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Series”. Miriam Leiva gave the first lecture at the 2013 annual conference.
  • Partnered woth other mathematics education organizations to establish the Committee on Teachers as Professionals (C-TaP).
  • Established electronic, subscription, and student memberships.
  • Launched the PRIMEd Principal Blog” on the NCSM Website.
  • Presented the 5th NCSM Webinar ” Transitioning to the CCSS with the Support of NCSM’s ‘Great Tasks’ for Mathematics”
  • Presented the 6th NCSM Webinar “Measuring Math that Matters: the PARCC and Smarter Balanced Approaches to Assessment”
  • Held the 15th NCSM Leadership Academy “Mathematics Leadership at Work: Moving the Common Core State Standards from Vision to Action” (June 25-27, 2012 at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit, Homestead, PA and July 31 – August 2, 2012 at the Sonoma County Education Center, Santa Rosa, CA).
Conference Focus
  • Practices that Support Coaches: The focus is on theoretically-informed and research-based practices that support mathematics coaches of content and pedagogy. Consider what practices teacher leaders and support coaches can use to reach the depths of knowledge for every student through the Common Core Standards and Practices.
  • Equity for Each Learner: The focus is on equitable practices that will support administrators, coaches, teachers, and parents to engage and build student mathematical knowledge. Consider how leaders will support teachers to provide each student with relevant and meaningful mathematics experiences and in what ways they can facilitate erasing inequities in student learning.
  • Assessing what Counts: The focus is on assessment practices that do more than measure a person’s achievement and then assign new and different pathways to understanding at deeper levels. Consider how mathematics leaders can facilitate every teacher to use student assessments to inform teacher practice and student learning.
  • Knowledge for Leaders to Support a Strategic Infrastructure for Student Learning: The focus is on each administrator and mathematics teacher leader (coach) to have full knowledge of how to create an infrastructure that supports high achievement of mathematics learning for all students. Consider steps that administrators and teacher mathematics teacher leaders can take to ensure high quality mathematics instruction and how they will develop their Standards for Mathematical Practice as described in the Common Core Standards.

Summer Leadership Academy

June 25-27, 2012
Homestead, PA

July 31 – August 2, 2012
Santa Rosa, CA
Theme: Mathematics Leadership at Work: Moving the Common Core State Standards from Vision to Action

Academy Director: Tim Kanold

Presenters: Diane Briars, Tim Kanold, Beth Kobett, Suzanne Mitchell, Jonathan Wray

Fall Seminars

October 10, 2012
Dallas, TX

October 24, 2012
Hartford, CT

November 28, 2012
Chicago, IL
Theme: Tools and Strategies for Implementing the Common Core State Standards

Presenters: Don Balka, Shelbi K. Cole, Ruth Harbin Miles, Ted Hull, Suzanne Libfeld, Suzanne Mitchell, Mari Muri, Arlene Sciarretta, Jackie Palmquist, Sue Vohrer, Connie Schrock and Shawn Towle