Board of Directors

Regional Director, Eastern US 2

Personal Message
As a child, I loved books, puzzles, and solving problems. Math and Science were my favorite subjects and were relatively easy for me. I enjoyed them so much, I decided to pursue a career in medicine. During high school, I engaged in programs and internships and worked in hospitals to deepen my knowledge of the sciences and the medical field. However, throughout my college journey, I discovered my passion for education, leaving medicine behind, but not my love for math and science.

When I started teaching, math was the most difficult subject for me to teach. It was not enough that only some of my students seemed to grasp the concepts I taught and other students did not. I was not sure how else to reach them and I did not feel I possessed the most effective instructional methods to aid all of my students in mastering the concepts they needed to learn. Therefore, I pursued professional learning opportunities to fine tune my craft as a math teacher.

As I continued on this journey, I evolved into a math leader, expanding my love for math to support teachers and other educational partners. My pursuit of professional learning opportunities did not end and I turned to NCSM to support my evolving growth.

Now, it is with great pleasure and humbleness that I have the opportunity to serve an organization that gives back to so many. I look forward to supporting bold leadership in mathematics as an Eastern 2 Director.

Member Story
One of my greatest passions in life is to help children and adults make sense of mathematics, see the beauty of it around them, and view themselves as confident doers of mathematics. Throughout my tenure in mathematics education, I always remained a learner while leading from where I was. As a classroom teacher I supported my colleagues in understanding the focus, coherence, and rigor needed to teach conceptually. As a District Numeracy Coach and Resource Teacher I created district wide learning communities, to support instructional strategies, and school wide math initiatives. I ensured high-quality mathematics teaching and learning by analyzing, unpacking, and creating curricula and assessments aligned to state standards, to provide equitable access to rigorous instruction for all students. I curated, facilitated, and engaged elementary math leaders in professional development that aligned to best practices in mathematics instruction, building their capacity as instructional leaders, and enabling them to utilize data-informed instruction, to develop the reasoning and modeling abilities of elementary students. This commitment to supporting equitable mathematics education for all, extends beyond my local purview to include educators across our region and nation. I am excited to continue this work as Eastern 2 Director and support the work of ensuring high quality mathematics for all.

Eastern US 2 Includes:

  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Maryland
  • New Jersey
  • Pennsylvania
  • West Virginia

Local Affiliates

National Affiliates

Eastern US 2 State Team Leaders