NCSM Affiliates

Teachers Of Teachers Of Mathematics (TOTOM)

TOTOM is dedicated to providing a forum for people involved in the training of mathematics teachers. Each year during September TOTOM organizes a meeting for the sharing of information on teacher licensure and training. This includes both elementary, middle, and high school teacher training. Members are typically members of the mathematics and education departments of the community colleges, universities and colleges in Oregon.

The purpose of this organization shall be to:

  • promote the improvement of mathematics teacher education in the state of Oregon.
  • promote leadership among mathematics teacher educators in the broad mathematics education community.
  • serve as a clearing house for ideas and resources in teacher education in mathematics.
  • disseminate information about mathematics education issues in the state of Oregon.
  • encourage research related to mathematics teacher education, especially research which identifies factors that contribute to improving the preparation and professional development of mathematics teachers at all levels.
  • encourage and support programs for prospective teachers at all grade levels, especially for members of traditionally underrepresented populations.
  • facilitate communication among mathematics teacher educators at the elementary, secondary, community college, college, and university levels.
  • coordinate activities and work collaboratively with other associations and organizations concerned with the preparation and professional development of mathematics teachers (such as the Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM), Oregon Mathematics Education Council (OMEC) and Oregon Department of Education).
  • facilitate collaboration among mathematics teacher educators who are faculty members at different institutions of higher education or from different educational administrative units, such as departments of mathematics, departments of education and school districts.
  • create an awareness and knowledge of different preservice mathematics teacher education programs and/or professional development activities in the state of Oregon.
  • encourage and organize programs and meetings focusing on issues related to the preparation and professional development of mathematics teachers.
  • work cooperatively with state and national certification and testing agencies to enhance the mathematical, pedagogical, and clinical preparation of prospective teachers of mathematics at all levels (kindergarten through grade sixteen) with respect to criteria for credentialing and licensing of teachers.
  • foster the incorporation of appropriate technology into teacher education programs in mathematics at all levels.


Accepting Charter at NCSM Annual Conference 2014, New Orleans