Personal Message
NCSM is a leadership organization that has the ability to support educational leaders in incredible ways and I am honored to serve as NCSM’s Central 2 Regional Director. Whether it’s elevating the voices of educators and their insights, helping navigate new terrain in best practices and standards, providing guidance to teachers looking to improve their instruction, NCSM is a strong leader. It is an organization well-positioned to create change, which is why I became an educator in the first place. As we think about what needs to happen so that we truly support all of our learners and ensure every student has access to rich math experiences, I know NCSM will be courageously in the center of the discussion-holding firm on what matters academically for students and demanding improvements in how that academic content is delivered.
Member Story
I remember the first NCSM conference that I attended. Steve Leinwand stood before the group at a luncheon and asked us to rise by years of experience. I was one of the first to stand up-a passionate, excited, but also uncertain educational leader, anxious to grow and improve the way I served teachers and students. He charged those of us who stood early to continue our journey with NCSM. He charged those who stood later to support someone already standing. I felt instantly supported, confident that I wasn’t going to have to do this alone. I had the physical proof standing beside me in that room!
Though my job titles and roles have changed over the past few decades and my perspective on math education broadened, one thing has remained a constant: my connection to NSCM. Being a member of NCSM has provided me with a network of colleagues in the region and throughout the nation to connect with new ideas and best practices in mathematics education. NCSM publications are relevant and informative, contributing evidence and research-based best practices to the field of mathematics teaching and learning, and are my first go-to when I want ideas and am making connections in my work. Serving in the Regional Director role allows me to contribute to the continued growth of NCSM, positively contributing to the discussion, publications, and events that I have benefited from in the past.