Iris M. Carl

Iris M. Carl

NCSM honors Iris Carl, NCSM Past President, Glenn Gilbert Awardee, and International Leader, through the NCSM Iris Carl Travel Grant. This grant gives support to mathematics educators and future leaders in mathematics education to attend an NCSM Annual Conference, thus supporting the NCSM vision of a cadre of well-trained, broadly informed, and perceptive leaders of mathematics education at all levels. NCSM cares greatly about young members and wants them to become the very best leaders they can be.

A grant of a maximum of $1200 will be awarded to the recipient. The Iris Carl Grant may be used for transportation, lodging (maximum of three nights), and meals (excluding those covered by conference registration) as necessary for conference attendance. The grant also includes a waiver for registration for the NCSM Annual Conference. Those receiving grants will be required to submit a report of their conference experience and a completed funds reimbursement form. The NCSM Awards Chair will provide forms and instructions directly to grant recipients.

See past recipients and their reports about their NCSM conference experience.

Awards Chair

The NCSM Awards Chair, George Cage will manage the process.

Application Process

The application deadline for the 2024 NCSM Annual Conference is June 1, 2024.

Grantees will be notified by June 30, 2024.

Grant Selection Process

The Awards Chair and Awards Committee will review the applications and select the Iris Carl grantees. Applicants are scored based on the following:


    A brief typed proposal (two pages maximum) that includes the following:


      • Evidence of the applicant’s leadership role in mathematics education
      • An explanation of what the applicant expects to gain from attending this conference
      • An explanation of how the applicant’s attendance will benefit others in mathematics education in her/his local area
      • An explanation of the applicant’s need for supporting funds
      • A letter of support that describes the applicant’s leadership in mathematics education.

              Grant Criteria

              An Iris Carl Travel Grant applicant:


                  • Was a member of NCSM by April 1, 2024.

                  • Has not been able to attend an NCSM Annual Conference for the past three years.

                  • Serves in a leadership role in mathematics education in her/his school, district, state, province, or some other capacity.

                Number of Grants to be Given

                There will be a maximum of three grants available for the 2024 NCSM Annual Conference.

                To honor the work of Iris Carl to open the doors for people who have been historically or are currently marginalized, at least one of the travel grants will be awarded to a person from an underrepresented population within the mathematics leadership community.