This is our time to humanize mathematics by creating greater opportunities to learn for all students and ensure that all students have access to grade-level content. -NCSM, ASSM, and NCTM, 2021

Start With Students’ Strengths in Mathematics 

Areas with Implications for Equitable Access
Rather than focusing on the challenges of the 2020-2021 school  year, we must build and capitalize on our students’ strengths and opportunities in mathematics. Continuing the Journey: Mathematics Learning 2021 and Beyond  provides leaders and teachers with clear guidance as they create an environment for safe and supportive mathematics teaching and learning and promote a school structure that eliminates rather than solidifies challenges for all students. Developed by a coalition of leading international mathematics education organizations, including National Council Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics (ASSM) and NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education, this important resource highlights actions in three core areas:
  • Grade-level Content
  • Equitable, Effective Teaching Practices
  • Advocacy

Webinar Recording:

Watch the recording from the August 3, 2021 webinar, Continuing the Journey: Mathematics Learning 2021 and Beyond. Presented by: Trena Wilkerson, Joleigh Honey, Mona Toncheff

Summary Padlets:

Summer 2020 Content

We live in uncertain times. Public health is at the forefront of our minds and our schools have been disrupted in ways we have never seen. While no one can predict how education might look in the coming months, it is in the best interests of our students to strategize how we might best meet their needs in the upcoming months. -NCSM and NCTM, 2020
NCSM and NCTM have published a joint document to provide guidance for mathematics teachers and leaders at all levels to make informed decisions for next steps due to COVID-19.
Moving Forward presents considerations, questions, and potential solution processes to educators and school leaders to address the challenges induced by the COVID-19 pandemic of spring 2020. There are three major areas that require consideration when planning for the 2020-21 school year.
*This webpage will be updated with resources to support mathematics leaders throughout the year as they become available Resources for Structures*
  • Case study of detracking K-10 mathematics programs (SFUSD)
Resources for Teaching Practices* Resources for Advocacy* Resources for Trauma Informed Instruction*
    Resources Addressing Antiracism, Equity, and Social Justice*