This is our time to humanize mathematics by creating greater opportunities to learn for all students and ensure that all students have access to grade-level content. -NCSM, ASSM, and NCTM, 2021
Start With Students’ Strengths in Mathematics

- Grade-level Content
- Equitable, Effective Teaching Practices
- Advocacy
Webinar Recording:
Watch the recording from the August 3, 2021 webinar, Continuing the Journey: Mathematics Learning 2021 and Beyond. Presented by: Trena Wilkerson, Joleigh Honey, Mona ToncheffSummary Padlets:
Summer 2020 Content
We live in uncertain times. Public health is at the forefront of our minds and our schools have been disrupted in ways we have never seen. While no one can predict how education might look in the coming months, it is in the best interests of our students to strategize how we might best meet their needs in the upcoming months. -NCSM and NCTM, 2020NCSM and NCTM have published a joint document to provide guidance for mathematics teachers and leaders at all levels to make informed decisions for next steps due to COVID-19.
Moving Forward presents considerations, questions, and potential solution processes to educators and school leaders to address the challenges induced by the COVID-19 pandemic of spring 2020. There are three major areas that require consideration when planning for the 2020-21 school year.

- Case study of detracking K-10 mathematics programs (SFUSD)
- Protocol to Determine Prior Knowledge for a Mathematics Unit
- A compilation of website resources to mathematics progressions of learning
- NCSM position paper with best practices for detracking teachers and students
- An article from ASCD, Minahan, J. (2019) Trauma-Informed Teaching Strategies, Educational Leadership, Vol. 77 No. 2 p.30-23:
- Recommended resources from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
- Mathematics Education Through the Lens of Social Justice: Acknowledgment, Actions, and Accountability position paper
- Revised CRCD Mathematics Task Framework
- Reflection on Culturally Relevant Mathematical Tasks
- President’s Blog
- TODOS Position Paper, TheMo(ve)ment to Prioritize Antiracist Mathematics: Planning for This and EverySchool Year outlining specific actions that you can take to foster antiracist instruction that supports the essential actions from the joint NCSM-TODOS position statement about Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Education
- TODOS Commentary Centering Our Humanity: Addressing Social and Emotional Needs in Schools and Mathematics Classrooms with specific suggestions for attending to putting the well-being of children and their families first
- TODOS Commentary Student and Family-Centered Mathematics Assessment with guidance for antiracist practices in assessment