NCSM Virtual Celebration
NCSM Virtual Celebration (*New Live Event-53rd Annual Conference*)
Monday, September 20, 2021 & Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 6:30-9:00 p.m. EDT
NCSM offered a virtual celebration on Monday, September 20, 2021 and Tuesday, September 21, 2021 to build connections among our NCSM community, celebrate awardees, and to host live sessions from featured, nationally renowned mathematics speakers.
Participants had access to a live keynote session, viewed NCSM awards, and were able to select among live or pre-recorded concurrent sessions.
For this unique two-night celebration, NCSM is encouraged participants to gather with colleagues and friends for viewing parties for this special event. For this event only, NCSM will offer an individual registration rate and a group rate. Network within your community or within the larger NCSM community during this live event!
Schedule for Monday, September 20, 2021 6:30 – 9:00 pm EDT
Time (EDT) | Event |
6:30-7:00 | NCSM Opening |
7:00-7:45 | Live Keynote with Gloria Ladson Billings |
7:45-8:00 | Break |
8:00-9:00 | Live Concurrent Sessions |
Keynote Speaker- Monday, September 20, 2021 7:00-7:45 pm EDT
Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings
Solving for X in the midst of Pandemics: Pedagogical Approaches to Improving Mathematics Teaching and Learning
The past year and a half have presented educators with unprecedented challenges and opportunities. This presentation will address the opportunities to teach mathematics for equity and excellence by exploring the content, the contexts, and the culture of mathematics teaching and learning.
Concurrent Session Speakers – Monday, September 20, 2021 8:00-9:00 pm EDT
Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture 2021 Awardee
Addressing Racism and Antiblackness in Mathematics Education
Uprisings against racist acts and policies have brought systemic racism to the national forefront—making it imperative to catalyze a national conversation on racism and antiblackness. As a result, leaders across the country ask how they can (a) examine their own beliefs and actions and (b) foster an environment where they can push conversations about race, racism, and other equity issues. This interactive lecture will engage leaders in navigating these topics through addressing racism and antiblackness in mathematics education, brainstorming ideas for framing antiracism in mathematics education, and identifying actions to take.
Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture 2020 Awardee
My Journey of Emancipation from Freedom to Fail to Freedom to Succeed in Mathematics
The phrase “failure is not an option” is a well-spoken phrase, and I have occasionally used it myself. However, inherently, it is not true. In most circumstances, a failure is an option, although it is typically not the option we want to manifest. When we examine what happens to students in mathematics, we often see the evidence of students’ failure, and unfortunately, we compound that evidence by failures of our own. In looking back over my own life, I can pinpoint unique instances where I as a student exercised my freedom to fail, even to fail in mathematics. Yet, here I am! Part of what has propelled me to this point are teachers who empowered me to break through challenges, hardships, disappointments, and fears that I might realize that I also have the freedom to succeed. In this presentation, I am honored to share about four teachers who understood the power they had to advocate for, build-up, and push forward students in their circle of influence.
No Equity Without Everyone: Culturally Responsive Inclusion for All
Culturally responsive mathematics invites all students into mathematics as their ways of thinking, reasoning, and living are attended to and honored. This session extends application of culturally responsive mathematics to explicitly account for both racial and disability justice. Learn key components to combine culturally responsive teaching and universal design for learning to ensure asset-based mathematics teaching for all. Resources to promote school-based collaborative inquiry projects will be explored.
Schedule for Tuesday, September 21, 2021 6:30 – 9:00 pm EDT
Time (EDT) | Event |
6:30-7:00 | NCSM Opening & Awards Celebration |
7:00-7:45 | Live Keynote to be announced |
7:45-8:00 | Break |
8:00-9:00 | Live Concurrent Sessions |
Keynote Speaker- Tuesday, September 21, 2021 7:00-7:45 pm EDT
Michelle Rinehart
Equity in Mathematics: The Role of Mathematics Leaders
Mathematics remains a particularly challenging and critical context for advancing equity. Now, more than ever, districts and communities need mathematics leaders who will aspire, activate, and act to advance equity in their local contexts. How can mathematics leaders help their organizations aspire to equitable mathematics programs, practices, and outcomes? What does it take to activate these aspirations within your organization and community? How can mathematics leaders act to advance equity? Explore why equity work is for all of us—and will require all of us.
Concurrent Session Speakers – Tuesday, September 21, 2021 8:00-9:00 pm EDT
Leadership That Opens Mathematical Gates For decades, algebra has been seen as the gatekeeper in mathematics. Without access to it, the very mathematical trajectories of students can be limited. However, there are many kinds of gates that prevent our educational systems and organizations from offering equitable mathematics education. To open those gates, bold and unapologetic leaders are needed to forge new paths, not simply follow logical trends. Let us take a deep dive into what gatekeeping looks like on the ground so that we can begin to imagine and create a new mathematics trajectory for students. 2020 Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Awardee Mathematics Leadership in a Post-Pandemic Future: What have we learned? Where do we go from here? Most agree that going back to pre-pandemic “normalcy” is not the best direction for improving mathematics education. In fact, many educators hope to see certain practices and innovations used during the last 18+ months carry forward into mathematics classrooms. In this session, we’ll reflect on what we’ve learned, examine some guiding principles for improving mathematics teaching and learning, and share actionable ideas for supporting the unique needs of K-12 students now and into the future. This session is part of the Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert Speaker series. Broadening The Lens of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion In Our Math Content and Pedagogy Through History/Storytelling In order to explore and examine the most critical aspects of equity and anti-racism math education, accessible portals to the rich and collaborative history of mathematics should be made available to all our math communities. In this session, math leaders will get a powerful answer to "Why Math History Matters" and numerous supportive resources to begin implementing philosophical and structural changes in schools immediately, as well as nurture future discussions of this emergent theme.