54th NCSM Annual Conference

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Imagine. Inspire. Influence.

Make an Impact!

September 26-28, 2022

7:00 am Monday – 5:00 pm Wednesday

Anaheim Marriott

700 West Convention Way

Anaheim, California

NCSM is happy to announce the 54th NCSM Annual Conference! Whether you are a first-timer or a veteran of NCSM annual conferences, join us for three exciting days in Anaheim, California, focused on important issues for leaders in mathematics education.

Take this opportunity to enlarge your network of colleagues who can assist you in building and supporting your local mathematics program and to meet new friends who share your interests and love of mathematics education. Become a part of NCSM, the mathematics leadership organization for educational leaders that provides professional learning opportunities to support and sustain improved student achievement

Plan now to make the trip to Anaheim where exciting opportunities await you at the 2022 Annual Conference!


The theme of the 2022 NCSM Annual Conference is: Imagine. Inspire. Influence. Make an IMPACT!

Conference Program Strands

The four strands to be featured at this exciting and educational NCSM Annual Conference are:

1. Imagine a Future of Powerful Mathematics Education

2. Inspire Colleagues Through Bold Leadership

3. Influence Educators Through Coaching

4. Impact Systems for Equity and Social Justice

Conference at a Glance

Save the Date Flyer


On behalf of NCSM members, we thank our Elite Sponsors for their generous contributions.

Thank you to all our sponsors! Their contributions enable us to provide attendees with bags, t-shirts, showcases and so much more!

  • Casio
  • ASSISTments
  • Get More Math
  • Walch
  • CPM
  • Curriculum Associates
  • Legends of Learning
  • Origo
  • 10storymath
  • Edia Learning
  • The Math Learning Center
  • Curriculum Associates

For additional information contact the NCSM office, office@mathedleadership.org We look forward to meeting you personally in Anaheim!

See you there!

54th Annual Anaheim Conference Committee