News from the Central 2 Region
Sharon Rendon, Central 2 Regional Director
Fall 2018
And it begins again. For many of us in leadership roles, summer is a busy time of providing learning opportunities for teachers, planning structures for the upcoming year, and possibly building new relationships with new colleagues. However, with the beginning of a new school year comes excitement for everyone involved. This year put a focus on core instruction and creating meaningful math experiences for all students. A building principal in the region has been asked as to explain how her Title 1 school is the highest achieving in the district and her response is simple, "We focus on great core instruction, every lesson, every day, for every student."
Check out the NCSM Grants! Don’t miss the opportunity to apply for the Iris Carl Travel Grant or the Teacher Leader Professional Learning Grant. In addition, you may know a wonderful colleague that you would like to nominate for the Kay Gilliland award or the Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert Award.
Be sure to check out the opportunities for collaboration this fall in our region.
As you get ready to gear up for fall be sure to check out these learning opportunities in the region.
Iowa: ICTM will host the annual math conference on Monday, October 8 in West Des Moines, IA. The featured keynote is William McCallum from Illustrative Math.
They will also be hosting a preconference on Sunday, October 7 in Des Moines, IA., " A discussion of equity." I will be presenting a session on assessment. Please be sure to stop by and introduce yourself so we can get connected.
Kansas: The KATM will be held on October 8 in Manhattan, Kansas. Featured speaker is Karen Karp. She has written a popular journal article "13 Rules that Expire." Make sure to add this day to your schedule, it will be a great investment of your time.
Missouri: The MCTM Fall Conference, Math it’s all Fun and Games, will be held on Friday and Saturday, November 30-December 1-2, 2018, in Columbia, MO, at the Holiday Inn Executive Center.
Nebraska: The NATM is excited to bring math and science teachers together for the Joint Annual Conference. This event will take place on September 20-22, 2018 in Kearney, Nebraska.
North Dakota: The ND State NDCTM/NDSTA conference will be held this spring in Dickinson, ND. The dates for this gathering are March 15-16, 2019.
South Dakota: The SDCTM has had a busy summer by hosting a summer symposium and promoting other opportunities for professional development. They are currently accepting proposals to speak at their annual conference in February 2019. Please consider sharing a topic of interest you have.
Wisconsin: This fall the Wisconsin Mathematics Council brings the Mathematical Proficiency for Every Student Conference to the Wisconsin Dells on October 17-18. Join national and state educators for two days of discussion focused on Access and Equity in the Mathematics Classroom. Additional information about this opportunity can be found here.
For more information about each conference, check out the NCSM calendar of events. If you have an event to be added to our regional calendar, let me know.
Enjoy the wonderful autumn season that we have here in the midwest.