News from the Central 2 Region
Sharon Rendon, Central 2 Regional Director
Winter 2018/2019

Winter Wonderland Greetings to all my Midwestern Colleagues. As I compose this update I am sad that the great state of Kansas will not be represented in the SuperBowl. What a heartbreaking loss!

I have been working on resources for the coaches that I serve and came across this quote that captures the essence of work we do to support and lead mathematics teachers regardless of our role or title.

"The art of coaching is doing, thinking, and being: doing a set of actions, holding a set of beliefs, and being in a way that results in those actions leading to change. These are the three things that can make coaching transformational."

Elena Aguilar

This spring and summer members from Central 2 have some great opportunities this spring and summer to gather and consider how we can be more effective change agents to ensure all students receive equitable mathematics learning opportunities.

Exciting News! This region will be hosting the summer leadership academy focused on coaching in Madison, WI on July 22-24, 2019. Be sure to mark the dates and keep an eye on the website for further details.

There are a few state conferences coming up this spring along with the NCSM Annual conference. You can find further information below:

North Dakota: The ND State NDCTM/NDSTA conference will be held in Dickenson, ND, March 14-16.

South Dakota: The SDCTM will host their annual conference February 7-9 in Huron, SD. The theme for the event is STEM ED. The featured banquet speaker will be Dr. Kristopher Childs.

Minnesota: The MCTM will be hosting their annual conference, Building Bridges through Discourse, Equity, Identity, Mathematical Mindset, Social Justice and Technology. This event will be held April 26-27, 2019 in Duluth, MN.

Wisconsin: This spring the mathe teachers and leaders in Wisconsin will join together in Green Lake, WI to collaborate around Engagement, Equity, and Empowerment at their annual conference. Be sure to make plans it join them May 1-3, 2019. The list of keynote speakers include some of the great leaders in math education.

Register for the Annual Conference in San Diego

Join us in San Diego April 1-3, 2019 for Making Waves with Effective Mathematics Leadership!

Dr. Luis Cruz, the 2019 keynote speaker, will provide the keynote address, "Recognizing and Overcoming the Barriers to Ensuring ALL Students Learn Mathematics".

Extend your conference experience. Register for one of two pre-conference workshops on Sunday, March 31, 2019, from 1:00-5:00 pm. The offerings are NCSM Essential Actions for Mathematics Coaching and Practical Leadership: How to Leverage Learning Science to Achieve Equity. If you have already registered, know that you can still add these workshops, if space is available.

Do plan to attend the Central Region 2 Caucus on Tuesday, April 2, 2019, from 3:30 to 4:15 pm. Network with other members in the Central Region 2.

Do make plans not only to join us, but to help make the conference a success. Volunteer at the 2019 NCSM Conference in San Diego! Receive a "Making Waves through Effective Mathematics Leadership" T-shirt for your service.

Wishing you a great rest of winter and I hope our paths will cross at one of the learning events this spring.
