News from the Southern 2 Region
Paul Gray, Southern 2 Regional Director
Summer 2017
Greetings, NCSM colleagues from Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee! Summer is my favorite season, as we have the opportunity to take time to recharge, spend time with family and friends, and frequently engage in professional learning to better prepare for the upcoming school year.
Summer/Fall 2017 Professional Learning
What better way to sharpen our skills as math leaders than by attending a local or regional conference near you? Here are some of the opportunities that are coming up in our region.
CAMT, the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics, will be held in Fort Worth, on July 10-12, 2017. Details may be found online at
The Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics meets in Austin, TX, on October 16-17, 2017. Meeting details and registration information can be found on their website,
The Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics holds their annual meeting in June. If you missed it this year, that’s definitely your loss. Mark your calendars now for June 8, 2018 so that you can attend next year in Broken Arrow, OK! Watch their website,, for details.
The Arkansas Association of Mathematics Leaders will convene on November 1, 2017, in conjunction with the Arkansas Curriculum Conference in Little Rock, AR, on November 2-3, 2017. Details and registration information is available online at
The Louisiana Association of Teachers of Mathematics hosts their annual conference in Baton Rouge, LA, on November 6-8, 2017. Information is available at
The Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics hosts their annual Fall Forum in Birmingham, AL, on November 2-3, 2017, featuring NCTM President Matt Larson as the keynote speaker! Details, including registration information, can be found on their website,
The 2017 Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics Fall Conference will be in Madison, MS, on October 13-14, 2017. Details can be found on their website, Additionally, there will be a Mathematics Specialist Conference will be November 3, 2017 in Oxford, MS.
The Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association hosts their annual meeting this year in Martin, TN, on September 29-30. Details are available on their website,
Plan ahead…
- February 22-23, 2018 – Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics (TASM) Spring 2018 meeting, Austin, TX
- April 23-25, 2018 – NCSM Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
- April 25-28, 2018 – NCTM Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
For more information about each conference or event, visit the NCSM Calendar of Events.

Apply for the Iris Carl Travel Grant!
Did you know that NCSM has established the Iris Carl Travel Grant? Iris was a mentor to many mathematics leaders in Texas and around the nation, including in her roles as past president of both NCSM and NCTM. To honor her memory, NCSM provides travel grants for math leaders who haven’t been able to an NCSM Annual Meeting for the past three years. NCSM will have its 50th annual meeting in Washington, DC, in 2018 and you don’t want to miss that. See the Iris Carl Travel Grant Award page, and if you qualify, submit your application today.
New!!! NCSM Member Center
You should have received an email from the NCSM office about how to access one of our newest member benefits, the NCSM Member Center. This powerful new opportunity provides a way for NCSM members to network and share ideas and experiences in a digital medium.
One of the structures the new platform provides is a Circle, which is a group based on a common interest. When you set up your Member Profile, be sure to join the Southern Region 2 Circle! This circle is a great way for us to keep in contact with each other, and it’s an efficient way to share information about events and issues that pop up in our region.