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Inspiration! the NCSM quarterly NEWSLETTER   

The NCSM Inspiration! is written specifically for K-16 leaders in mathematics education including district supervisors, coordinators, professors, professional developers, math coaches, specialists, teachers, and consultants. It is packed with up-to-date information about research, issues, trends, programs, policy, and best practice in mathematics education and mathematics education leadership. Leaders depend on the NCSM Inspiration! for timely reviews of new resources, insights on professional development and research, and highlights on exemplary leaders in different regions of the United States, Canada, and abroad. The NCSM Inspiration! is published four times a year-fall, winter, spring, and summer-and is emailed to NCSM members as a benefit of NCSM membership. Our readership resides in the United States, Canada, and abroad.

The NCSM  Inspiration! is disseminated as a member benefit every quarter. Circulation is between 2,000-2,400. Rates depend on number of ads placed in a fiscal year and ad’s size and color. See more details in the NCSM Inspiration! Advertising Guidelines.

    NCSM Insider

    NCSM Insider is a monthly electronic newsletter with circulation around 2,500. You can select which month you would like your advertisement to be published.  Members recieve this via email and it is posted on the website.



    Sample Insider

    sample label