Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Grant (Pre-K-12)
It’s TIME-Themes and Imperatives for Mathematics Education states: “Raising achievement in mathematics and effectively implementing the CCSSM in every classroom requires extensive and ongoing opportunities for teachers (and teacher-leaders) to enhance their own professional learning and build capacity to reach all students (p.44).”
The purpose of this grant is to provide professional learning assistance for mathematics teachers and mathematics teacher-leaders. For 2025–2026, a grant of a maximum of $4000 will be awarded to an elementary or secondary school. The grant is awarded to a school however, the professional learning is for mathematics teacher-leaders and/or mathematics teachers within the school or district. Professional learning must focus on one of NCSM’s signature initiatives, Equity & Access Leadership Learning Communication Exchange. Costs may include consultant honoraria (no gifts) and expenses, materials, books, and substitute time. While this grant does not fund the purchase of technology, proposals including professional learning involving the use of technology are encouraged. Proposals must address the following: need (include data), mathematics content, scope of the plan, other sources of funding, number of teachers and students impacted, distribution of costs, private, suburban, urban or rural-isolation context, and demographics of student body.
The applicant must have at least one current (on or before October 12, 2025) Essential or Premium member of NCTM or teach at a school with a current (on or before October 12, 2025) NCTM Pre-K-8 school membership. Additionally, the applicant must have at least one current (on or before October 12, 2025) Member of NCSM.
No school may receive more than one award administered by the Mathematics Education Trust in the same academic year. Past recipients of this grant are not eligible to reapply. Activities are to be completed between June 1, 2026 and May 31, 2027.
Interested schools are invited to submit a proposal. The 2025–2026 Proposal Cover Form must be completed and serve as the top page of the proposal. The proposal must be typewritten, double-spaced, and with margins of at least one inch on 8.5″ x 11″ paper. Font size must be no smaller than 12-point Times Roman and the width between characters should be normal (100%). Please organize as outlined below.
The proposal (as one PDF document) is to be submitted electronically to by 11:59 PM PST on November 1, 2025. No mailed or faxed copies will be accepted. Duplicate or revised applications will not be considered.
View the scoring rubric. This rubric is used by reviewers to rate proposals and determine which proposals will be selected for funding.
I. Proposal Cover Form (PDF)
- Complete all requested information.
- Identify an NCTM or a NCSM member as the primary applicant.
- Include the name and member number of the NCTM member and the name of the NCSM member. This can be the same person or two different people. If it’s two different people, both must be listed as applicants.
- Both primary applicant and co-applicant sign the proposal form.
II. Proposal (3 pages maximum)
- The proposed professional learning plan must be focused on formative assessment, digital learning, or access-equity-empowerment.
- Describe the need for the professional learning plan.
- The scope and coherence of activities should be described in detail and include:
- The mathematics content that will be keyed to needs for in-service
- The number of teachers and students affected
- The urban, suburban, or rural contexts, and multiethnic student body if appropriate, and its impact on performance
- Describe how the specific professional learning plan meets the identified needs.
- Describe the anticipated impact on project teachers and the assessment plan to measure impact on project teachers.
- Describe how you expect to assess the project’s impact on students’ learning of mathematics content.
III. Budget
- Submit an itemized budget, presented in line-item table format with justification for each line item.
- If the total budget for a proposed project is greater than the grant maximum, indicate clearly what the grant funds will cover and what additional funding sources might be available to complete the total budget.
- Acceptable use of funds include the following: honoraria and expenses for consultants, materials, substitutes, and conference or workshop registrations.
- Unacceptable use of funds include the following: staff travel, purchase of equipment, or purchase of technology.
No Indirect Costs are allowed on the funds.
IV. Background and Experience
- Submit a resume in outline form, one-page maximum per applicant.
- List teaching assignments, pertinent information regarding current professional activities, and teaching experience related to this grant proposal.
V. Letter of Support from Principal
Submit a letter, one-page maximum, which must:
- Be written on official school stationery.
- Confirm the teaching status of the applicants.
- Indicate strong support for the proposal and the school’s ability to accomplish it.
- Be signed by the principal.
Final Report Requirements
- Awardees will be required to submit a brief report (two to three double-spaced pages) and an itemized report of expenses.
- Three-fourths of the approved budget will be paid at the beginning of the project. The remainder will be paid on receipt of a final report and verified expenses (with receipts).
The Mathematics Education Trust was established by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.