Board of Directors

Executive Committee

Bonnie Walker
Past PresidentSteven Leinwand
First Vice PresidentJerry Cummins
Second Vice PresidentBettye Forte

Regional Directors

Central 1Rich Wyllie
Central 2Reta Smith
Eastern 1Barbara Berman
Eastern 2Jim Bohan
Southern 1Deborah Donovan
Southern 2Pamela Chandler
Western 1Larry Kaber
Western 2Kay Gilliland
CanadaRita Janes

Annual Conference

March 30 – April 1, 1998
Washington, D.C.
Total Membership: 2,848 Attendance: 1,386

Glenn Gilbert Award Recipient: Robert D. Davis

Keynote Speaker: Lee Stiff-“Revolutionaries, Reformers, and Revisionists – TIPS for Special Math Educators” and John Dossey-“The NVMT (National Voluntary 8th Grade Mathematics Test) and Implications Across the Math Curriculum”

Major Session Speakers:

Theme and Year of Leadership

Theme: Tools, Ideas, and Practical Strategies (TIPS) for Keeping the Math Revolution Alive and Well

The Year of Leadership:

  • Expanded opportunities in extended sessions at the annual conference
  • Published the monograph, “Future Basics: Developing Numerical Power” (by Randall Charles and Joanne Lobato)
  • NCSM members received “Partners in Change Handbook”
  • Wrote and distributed the leadership position paper, “Improving Student Achievement Through Designated District and School Mathematics Program Leaders”
  • Held the first NCSM Leadership Academy (July 17-20, 1997 at McDonald’s Corporation Facilities, Oak Brook, Illinois)
Conference Focus
  • Equity: Not just a concept, but a set of actions that leaders must initiate
  • Algebra: Not just a course, but a set of essential K-12 experiences that leaders must implement
  • Technology: Not just a tool, but an indispensable part of all instruction that leaders must promote
  • Assessment: Not just a test, but the glue for all effective programs that leaders must create
  • Opposition to the Revolution: Not just a passing fancy, but an undeniable reality that all leaders must face
  • Leadership Skills: Not an option, but necessary tools to bring about change

Summer Leadership Academy

July 17-20, 1997
Oak Brook, IL
Theme: NCSM Leadership Academy

Academy Director: Jerry Cummins

Presenters: Jerry Cummins, Tim Kanold, Grace Kelemanik, Yvonne Mojica, Eric Schluter